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Trefik 15 - Condition for odds at the selected result during recent matches
When setting the conditions for the team recent matches it is also possible to create a condition for the odds for the selected result. If we have a condition for the team wins during 5 recent matches then we can set a condition also for the winning matches odds. There can be more such matches (= more won matches) and that is why we need to set the condition for the minumum / maximum / average odds.

We can set the condition for the team odds or the opponent odds. It does not matter if the team played at home or away still the condition sets which odds to check (team x opponent).

We can create for example the following condition:
Výsledek zápasu + kurs
.. there are checked 5 recent matches of the home team (both home + away matches). Winning matches are searched for. There is a "zero condition" for the number of matches which causes all the matches will be visible at the Offer window. The reason for using the "zero condition" is just to display a new column with the number of recent wins at the Offer window.

Then there is the condition for the odds for opponent. There is set the minimum value for that odds = the minimum odds for the opponents from the team winning matches. We have another "zero condition" for the odds here - again this minimum odds will be visible at the Offer window.

Then we have to define the new columns at the Filter / Columns window.:
Výsledek zápasu + kurs
.. we have chosen to show 2 new columns. jsou tedy zvoleny dva nové sloupce. "won Home Overall" shows how many wins there were from team 5 recent matches. This column is marked in order to get better orientation at the Offer window. The second new column is "Odds Home" which shows the minimum odds for the opponets from the team winning matches.

The created filter applied at the Offer window looks like this:
Nabídka - výsledek / kurs
.. we can see those 2 new columns. If there is no won match for the team from its 5 recent matches then both new columns have the value 0 (as there were no odds to take from a winning match).